NOTE: Program follows California law with regard to vaccinations: All children must be up-to-date with vaccinations at the time of enrollment. Only children with a Medical Exemption form signed by a physician will be exempted from this requirement. 

Children ages two and half through five years may enroll. Each child's readiness best determines his or her eligibility for Discovery Montessori Preschool. Children with special needs will be considered based on qualifications of teachers.

apply here


If you're interested in touring our school, we hold an Open House in the Fall and Spring for families on our waitlist. 

 Please fill out an application to be added to this list and we will contact you with the Open House dates closer to that time. Once you've received confirmation that you're on the waitlist, please feel free to reach out to with any questions in the meantime.
*$25 application fee can be mailed or dropped off in person.  Make check to Discovery Montessori 

Our school hours are: 7:00 am to 5:45 pm, Monday-Friday
Half day and part time programs are available
A rest period is provided for all full day students


two full days $1,025

five full days $1,530

three full days $1,202

five half days $1,091

Effective through July 1, 2025 through July 1, 2026
10% discount for second children

NOTE: Rates are assessed and adjusted annually. New rates will go into effect on July 1.

three half days $874

two half days $755

Other Details

Drop ins are available to enrolled students when space is available
Drop in - half day $40       
Drop in - full day $60  

10% discount for second children

Application Fee (non-refundable, due upon application): $25

Food & Snacks

Nutritional snacks are provided twice each day, mid-morning and afternoon. Children at school through lunchtime bring a lunch from home. Lunch is served at 11:30.


We are closed for all federal holidays, the week of July 4th, the Friday after Thanksgiving, and two weeks to coincide with Sacramento City Unified School District’s winter break closure. Additionally, we close early at 12:30 pm the Wednesday before Thanksgiving. 

Seven Fridays a year we close early at 4:00 pm and three Fridays a year we close early at 12:30 pm to allow for in-service activities including teacher training, team building, and curriculum development.

Drop Ins

The application fee must accompany this application form to have your name placed on the waitlist.  Make check to Discovery Montessori.

Enrollment Fee (non-refundable, due upon enrollment): $200

This one-time materials fee may be paid in two monthly installments per agreement with the administrator.

Tuition Deposit (refundable, due upon enrollment): $300

This deposit will be applied to the last month’s tuition with 30-days written departure notice.

Parent Involvement Program


Our school is a non-profit community school and requires that all parents participate by either serving on the parent board through once a month parent meetings, assisting in the classroom, helping with maintenance and cleaning, yard work, baking, sewing and/or other creative contributions so that we can maintain and improve our school community. Families are required to give twenty hours per year to our school community.

Our Parent Involvement Program (“PIP”) helps keep tuition cost down while building a community of students, teachers and parents.